Sunday, 2 February 2025

Why Cycle?

This post offers a few interesting facts about cycling. 

  • Cycling is the most energy-efficient method of transport.  It uses about one third of the energy of walking,  although  the gain can be up to 5 times. The figure below is a nice comparison as it shows energy efficiency compared to the average speed, which highlights the relative advantages of cycling.  

The figure doesn't show statistics for ICE cars.   They are several times less energy-efficient than EVs.  
  • So how many calories are consumed during cycling?  An on-line calculator can take into account many parameters.  Unfortunately you will need to cycle uphill for an hour or so to use the energy from one "hamburger with the lot" 
  • Is more efficient transport and reduced green house emissions the main reason to cycle?  Many studies have tried to assess various economic benefits of cycling and concluded that the reduced health costs give the greatest gain.  A study into active transport in Australia by Mulley (2013),  estimated that average health benefits were AUD $1.68 per km for walking and $1.12 for cycling. Of course there are many other excellent reasons to cycle.  The Bike Adelaide website contains links to several papers and reports (see the Overseas References and the Australian Reports sections) dealing with these issues.  
  • Several cost-benefit studies have compared cycling to driving a car.  About a dollar per km is often quoted as the economic incentive for cycling compared to driving a car.  This European study suggests an overall benefit of 1.34 Euros per km. 
  • Electric bikes seem to be a modern innovation but where first patented in the late 1800s.  There are many good reasons to ride an e-bike including removing the impact of hills and headwinds,  and motivating less-fit or elderly riders.  Technological advances (especially batteries) have led to the huge increase in e-bikes and other personal mobility devices (PMDs). The figure below, showing how battery costs have dropped, plus the extensive research into battery technology (e.g. Chinese battery company CATL has over 20,000 R&D staff), suggests a great future for low-mass electric-powered mobility devices.   

  • Bicycle design has remained pretty stable over many years.  Interestingly, the Tambora volcanic eruption in 1816, which led to the "year without Summer" in Europe due to the reduced solar flux, may have kick started cycling as we know it today. This event motivated a German inventor to design a two-wheeled running machine to replace horse transport.  Within a few decades, pedals had been added to the Velocipede and then a crank, and freewheel.  
  • Recumbent bikes appeared over a hundred years ago.  The one-hour distance record of over 90 km,  is held by a two-wheeled recumbent enclosed in an aerodynamic shell. Despite their advantages of reduced drag and more comfortable riding position, the upright bicycle is still far more common.  In my experience, the main disadvantage of the recumbent two-wheeler, is reduced stability at low speeds and when starting (particularly on an uphill slope!)  Three wheeled recumbents (trikes) overcome the stability issues,  but are heavier.  
  • Australia is well behind other OECD countries with less than 2% of commuter journeys by bike.  In the Netherlands almost 30% of all trips use bicycles.  Adelaide is well suited to bicycle use, but remains car-centred, so investment in cycling is modest.  The State Bicycle Fund has received $2 to $3 million in the last few years, which may be compared to a local major road extension which will cost over $15 billion.  Several large cities in Europe are making significant investments in active transport. For example, 40% of Londoners will live within 400m of a cycleway by 2030, and Paris aims for a “100% cycle-friendly city", with their “Plan Velo” providing 1800 km of protected cycle paths by 2026.  Hopefully these trends will reach our shores!

1886 Cycling:  from

Happy cycling! 

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